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1. Use Vaseline

You might want to spare yourself from blisters while running. The best way to prevent them is by using Vaseline.

from Jerry, Oklahoma

2. Go easy

Go easy on yourself. Gradually increase your running distance, but don’t overshoot 10% per week.

from Anna, London

3. Take a break

Every 4th or 5th week make sure you decrease workout by at least 30%. Your body needs a break once in a while.

from Jerry, Oklahoma

4. Cut your toenails

You should cut your toenails short if you don’t like discomfort or even injury.

from Jason, New Jersey

5. Protect your toes

Protect your toes by using BodyGlide. They do need some extra care, especially on long runs..

from Anna, London

6. Cold water

Avoid hot water after a race. Cold water will make healing much faster.

- From Miki, Romania

7. No new things before the race

Don’t get curious on race day. New shoes and gear or some new foodstuff will have to wait until the race is over.

from John, New York

8. Take your ID with you

It’s always recommended to carry I.D., even on short runs.

from Bill, Miami

9. Superheroes

Don’t act like a super runner if you’re not. Try to keep it short and slow at first so that soreness doesn’t get you down. from Heather, Colorado – www.heatherrunsfar.com

10. Always wear running shoes

No flat-soled shoes are suitable. Plimsolls or Converses can only cause severe joint pain and they won’t help you run better or faster either. What you need are sports trainers, the only shoes that can spread and absorb the impact when hitting the ground.

Mary, Belgium

11. Be realistic

Be realistic about your goals. Don’t over appreciate your abilities.

from Anna, Miami

12. Keep a blog

If you are the literary type, write down your experiences, either in a diary, on a blog or sports forums.

13. No substitutes

Remember that no sports substitute, like gadget training programs, match a real run. Go out there and feel the morning brisk.

from Sean - runnersblog.blogspot.com/

14. Variation

Get creative by varying the running itinerary, especially if you know you get bored fast. Running is also about innovation.

Ana, London - www.runreviews.com

15. Rest

Make sure you rest properly. It is very important for the body to relax as long as it needs to.

from Jim, Chicago

16. Dress lighter

Your running clothes should match a temperature 10 degree higher than it actually is.

from Petra, Lincolnshire UK - petraruns.blogspot.com

17. Prevent heat distress

For preventing heat distress, you can soak a bandana in cold water and put it around your neck.

from Donnie Lincol,Nebraska

18. Be comfortable

Make sure you look good in your running gear. It will definitely motivate you and will increase ambition.

from Patrick, Amsterdam

19. Do it your way

Stick to your own way. Don’t focus on whether others are faster than you or not. Everybody has his / her own rhythm.

from Timmy, Salt Lake City - rossy.fastrunningblog.com/

20. Don't get depressed

This run may be worse than the last one. Don’t get too depressed, it is only normal to feel sore and fatigue once in a while.

John, runreviews.com

21. Land on the mid foot

The best part of your foot to land on is mid foot. That way more of the shock of hitting the ground is absorbed before it can travel up your leg and cause shin splints, knee injuries, and even hip and back pain.

from Julie - ucsc.edu

22. Move your arms

Don’t forget about the relationship between arms and legs. Your knees follow the arms, which is why every time you move your arms faster your legs become faster. Exploit this asset of your body and use it for your every run.

from Jerry, Oklahoma - www.runreviews.com

23. Don't go running when you're tired

If you’re feeling miserable or if you’re too tired, you will definitely not have a good run. Such days are better left for resting. You can always re-schedule for the next day.

Konstantin, Pireus - Grecee

24. See the big picture

Focus on the big picture. It’s not only your legs that make you a good runner. It’s your entire body that contributes to your performance. Your training program should contain exercises for all your body parts: reverse curls, split jumps, jump squats, crunches and a fair share of running on the spot with your knees high.

from Rodney M, Chicago

25. Try running a hill

The outdoor environment is the best choice for increasing performance. A key to every runner is to have strong muscles and lungs and the best way to do that is by running up a hill. It will reinforce your lungs and will fortify your muscle groups.

from Ana - www.runreviews.com

26. Know your heart rate

Find out what your maximum heart rate is and work it out. If you are a professional runner, you can do that after warm-up by running for 3 minutes as hard as possible followed by 2 minute rest. Do it again and afterwards count your rate. Knowing your heart rate will provide great benefits and will definitely improve your runs.

from Dennis, Seattle - www.runreviews.com

27. Dehydration

A primary concern should be hydration. If the body doesn’t receive full hydration, it will crack. And remember this: it is best if you prevent thirst. Every percent of dehydration cumbers performance. Be cautious and drink a lot of water.

from Jerry, Oklahoma - www.runreviews.com

28. Be progressive

If you train too hard or too soon you risk to get injured. Make sure you raise the level in a progressive and controlled manner.

from Phil, UK - http://sorelimbs.co.uk/

29. Take the stress off of your joints

One of the best ways to do this is by deep water running or cross training in the water. This will take the unnecessary stress and pounding off of your joints and bones but still give your muscles an excellent workout.

from Laura Sibley - www.aqxsports.com/

30. Abs

Work you abs and core muscles to improve your running. It seems counterintuitive, but the stronger your core, the better your form and the less you will fatigue while running. Also, you will minimize common running-related injuries by having a strong core!

from Melisa, Denver - www.m2marathon.blogspot.com/

31. Strength training

Keep your muscles strong and balanced by making strength training an important component of your training.

from Jessica - www.seejessrun.com/

32. PACE Yourself

Remember the “talk and sing test.” For a majority of your run, you should be comfortable enough to carry on a conversation but not comfortable enough to sing.

from Emily Robins - www.oklahomarunningmom.blogspot.com

33. Can the Soda

Stomach cramps, bloating, dehydration…soda and running just can’t be friends.

from Emily Robins - www.oklahomarunningmom.blogspot.com

34. Take a day off

If you take the time to really “listen” you’ll better know when you should push yourself harder or take it easy. Sometimes taking a day off is the best thing for your overall success.

from Emily Robins - www.oklahomarunningmom.blogspot.com

35. Celebrate Personal Victories

Don’t compare yourself to others. There will always be someone who is faster or slower than you so comparing doesn’t help with improvement. When you celebrate the strides you’re making, you will have more motivation to continue improving.

from Emily Robins - www.oklahomarunningmom.blogspot.com

36.Chocolate Milk

The perfect mix of carbs, protein and sugar. Use this instead of a traditional recovery drink.

from Emily Robins - www.oklahomarunningmom.blogspot.com

37. Ice Your Sore Muscles

A great way to reduce muscle soreness is to use ice. The best method is to put a paper cup filled with water in your freezer. Once frozen, expose the ice by tearing off the top half of the cup. Move the ice over your muscle for at least 10-15 minutes; try to lightly massage the ice into the sorest parts. After icing, wrap your muscle with an ace bandage or towel and elevate for 10 minutes. Try to repeat this process one or two more times for maximum benefit.

from Casey - www.runners-resource.com

38. Keep a training log

Keep a training log .. you’d be surprised how motivating it can be to look back at how you’ve progressed with your running. Be sure to include the distance, time it took to run it, the weather and how you felt about the run.

from Jokach - www.getyourserenity.com/blog/

39. Enjoy the scenery

Take time to enjoy the scenery and be thankful for the opportunity to run. I think any running is better than no running – so don’t take it for granted that you will always be able to run!

from Mary - raceready.com

40. Train on trails

Do your training on trails, if possible. This will be gentler on your joints and will allow you to run longer and stay healthier.

from Mary - raceready.com/wp/

41. Most important...

The most important running tip! It’s better to run one mile than to think about running five.

from David - www.tips4running.com/

42. Listen to your body

The mind truly tires before the body, so if you’re feeling good but your brain is telling you to stop, push on through! You can go that extra mile (or 10). On the flip side, if your body is just feeling off, take a break – a short break is much better than months trying to recover.

from Amber Taylor - http://mommiesontherun.blogspot.com

43. Warm-up properly

Before you set off on your running adventure be sure to warm-up properly by engaging specific muscle groups, this will allow you to run safely and efficiently. An example of a proper warm up would be foam rolling followed by a lying glute bridge. By warming up properly your chance of injury will decrease tremendously .

from Elizabeth Carrion - http://www.mountainpeakfitness.com/

44. Be positive

Don’t neglect your mental preparation. You can’t control the weather, the course or your fellow runners, but you can control your thoughts. Keep them positive.

from RJ - www.mindoverbodymarathon.blogspot.com

45. Negative split

Relax for the first half of the race, then pick it up during the back half. Every second you run too fast at the beginning of a race will cost you 2 seconds at the end.

from Joe Terracina - www.middleagedathlete.com

46. Find a running group

Find a running group. The knowledge and motivation you will gain from others will be priceless.

from Joe Terracina - www.middleagedathlete.com

47. Work on your form/gait

Many people say that your running form is just natural and you can’t improve upon it. Nonsense! You could be doing things that are hurting yourself. Slow down sometimes, check in with yourself to make sure you are not dragging your feet or slouching.

from Jill - www.jillwillrun.com

48. Logging your runs

Find time to log your mileage after your run. It will be a valuable resource on training. It will also show your progress. More so, a short description of the route, how you feel, weather condition and things that affect you while running.

from James Betia, Philippines - http://journeyingjames.blogspot.com/

49. Tell someone where you are going

Tell someone where you are going and how long you plan to be if the area you are running in does not have a good cell phone signal. You can send someone an email before you head out and one when you return. Be safe in remote locations.

from Coach Liz - http://tntcoachliz.blogspot.com

50.Dress to be seen

Dress to be seen if you run on roads. Bright colors and reflective clothing are more easily seen by motorists.

from Coach Liz - http://tntcoachliz.blogspot.com

51. Don't worry about others.

Often times we compare our pace, times, distances to others. Don’t get caught up in what other people are doing. Focus on yourself and your progress.

from Diana Mcalister - http://justrunningforfun.blogspot.com/

52. Know that Bad runs will happen.

Bad runs always seem to appear when we least expect them. Push through and be ok with them. They happen to everyone. Keep on moving forward.

from Diana Mcalister - http://justrunningforfun.blogspot.com/

53. Stay mentally tough.

The mind can be your best friend or worst enemy. When you think you just can’t go any further, force yourself to go to the next tree, mailbox, light, etc. You can do it.

from Diana Mcalister - http://justrunningforfun.blogspot.com/

54. Believe in yourself

Training isn’t always easy and doesn’t always go as planned. Believe in yourself. If you want to do something you can.

from Diana Mcalister - http://justrunningforfun.blogspot.com/

55. Cross Train

Keep fit and have a rest from running at the same time by cycling, swimming, ect.

from Paul Rhodes,Sydney, NSW, Australia - http://runnershigh-paul.blogspot.com/

56. Relax your shoulders

Quite often when runners are really working hard to get through a tough run, we subconsciously raise our shoulders into our necks, rendering our whole body tense and making it impossible to use our arms to move. Take a couple of deep breaths and push those shoulders and arms down all the way, then bring just the lower arms back up.

from Evie Clercx - www.aquablingevie.blogspot.com

57. Run inside the curves

In a race, don’t run farther than you need to. Run the tangents by running straight lines from one curve to the next, running on the inside of the curves.

from Allen - http://www.oldmanrunning.org

58. Be careful about pushing through bad runs.

More often than naught, you need extra rest not extra stress from pushing through a bad run.

from Allen - http://www.oldmanrunning.org

59. Have a Good Time.

Have a Good Time. It is not always about the clock

from Chicken Underwear - http://whatyourdonotknowbecauseyouarenotme.blogspot.com

60. Warm-up vs. Static Stretching

Warm up your body and legs before a run, while do static stretching after a run.

from Marie - http://mysundaespecial.blogspot.com

61. Add intervals

Alternate 1 minute of intense running at your maximum speed with 2 minutes of walking. Repeat at least 5 times during one session and results will start to appear the next day.

from Marie - http://mysundaespecial.blogspot.com

62. Yoga Helps

Find a good yoga teacher and go to yoga at least 1 time per week. After you learn the proper alignments, from a good teacher, then you can transition to home yoga if you prefer to workout at home.

from Ginny - http://happyfeet26-2.blogspot.com/

63. Start with 1 hard workout per week

If you have been running for a while, and have a good base, try gradually adding a short tempo run, a short track workout, OR a fartlek (speed play) run. Not all 3 at one time. Just pick one new thing, and incorporate it into your week. Be sure to incorporate at least 1 easy day, after a hard day. 2-3 easy days may be required for some runners. Start with 1 hard workout per week.

from Ginny - http://happyfeet26-2.blogspot.com/

64. Don't run hills too fast

Don’t run hills too fast. Walk them if needed and then run again at the top. This is a great way to build fitness without overdoing it.

from Dean, http://www.homegymequipment.com.au

65. Not a goal-oriented person?

“I want to run a marathon by the end of the year” isn’t motivation enough for us task-oriented folks. Try making a checklist of the training steps you have to take to get to the big goal. The Couch to 5K program or others like it make great checklists!

from Beckey , http://moretoloverunning.blogspot.com

66. Do a weekly long run

Make sure you do a weekly long run. Build it up to about 20 miles. Try to do a 20-miler 4-6 times in your training program.

from Dominique , http://www.best-running-tips.com/

67. Know your foot type

Make sure you know your foot type. Get the right running shoes for your type of feet to prevent injuries.

from Dominique , http://www.best-running-tips.com/

68. Take a moment to appreciate

Take a moment to appreciate that you run..are a indeed runner. It is easy to loose that simple idea in the details of training.

from Tara, http://bibliosiren.wordpress.com

69. Bring a four-legged buddy

Get a four-legged running buddy to make workouts more fun. Make sure you bring plenty of water for you and your dog..

by Janine, http://www.pacecreative.blogspot.com/

70. Pick the right type of shoe

Wear a running shoe that is designed for your specific foot type, and you will prevent injuries, run faster, and maximize your performance.

by Jen, http://www.runpals.com/

71. Tempo Runs

Mix in higher speed tempo runs once a week to vary your workouts. You’ll be amazed at the impact it can have on your pace.

by Andrew, http://www.atriathletesblog.com

72. Bikram Yoga

To help muscles, joints, flexibility, knees, and overall health and well-being… try Bikram Yoga. It is an AMAZING alternate activity for runners!!

by Abbey Algiers, http://www.imrunnerchica.com

73. Watch for camber in the road

Watch for camber in the road. The slightest incline on the edges of the road can cause serious wear and tear on your knees and ankles.

by Nanette, http://crazymotherontherun.blogspot.com

74. Stick to what you love

You don’t have to run a marathon. Marathon running is the trendy thing to do these days and can leave runners who prefer shorter distances feeling as if they do not run enough or do not run as well as marathoners. That is simply not true. Stick with what you love. If what you love is a fast 5K on a Saturday morning, be glad you have found your passion and work on increasing speed rather than distance.

by Jodi, http://jbcolechronicles.blogspot.com/

73. Teach someone else how to run.

Introducing someone to running helps you look at WHY you run the way you do. In the end, you will both be better runners, and have company for those weekly long runs!

by Once and Future Runner, onceandfuturerunner.com

75. Eat Light!

Save the big meal for after your run. Before lacing up (for a race or long run) eat what you have tried during training. A bagel with peanut butter and banana has the perfect balance of protein and carbohydrates to take you the distance without upsetting the stomach.

by Shannon, apinchofginger.com

76. Running on Paleo

For the Primal eaters, a bagel or pasta would not suffice as pre-run fuel. For an early morning run, a cup of coffee and a handful of raw nuts would do the trick, and for a carbohydrate boost, half a sweet potato or banana would be perfect.

by Shannon, apinchofginger.com

77. Chewing and Running is hard to do

Before race day, practice eating on the run. Whether your choice is Gu, chewy fuel or fresh fruit (grapes are perfect) practice running, chewing and consuming. You will get into a pattern of how much your stomach can take without cramping or feeling sick.

by Shannon, apinchofginger.com

78. Breathing difficulties? Distract yourself!

If you’re finding your breathing hard or you just want to stop, instead of concentrating on that, concentrate on keeping the rhythm of your footing. It is a good distraction.

by Mallory Jones

79. Compression Sleeves

Wear compression sleeves before, during and not after runs to prevent shin splints.

by Kendra

80. Don't Hold Your Breath

Don’t hold your breath or you will cause yourself to be dizzy and/or pass out.

by Aaron Foster, http://www.wildfireadventures.com/

81. Look Up, Not At Your Feet

If you are constantly looking down at your feet, you’ll throw your form off, round your shoulders causing your traps to flex which will result in sore shoulders and neck.

by Aaron Foster, http://www.wildfireadventures.com/

82. Remind Yourself: It's Only 30 Minutes Of Your Time

When you don’t feel like going for a run, remind yourself of the time it would take you. Just 30 minutes of your time, guaranteed to make you feel better. Then imagine yourself after 30 minutes without having run. That gets me out the door pretty fast.

by Nicole, http://www.momshomerun.com

83. Need Some Motivation? Follow This Piece Of Advice:

Get yourself a new running outfit. Next time you go out for a fun run, the run will feel different just because of the new clothes! Or read a book about running. That always gets me off the couch real quick.

Nicole, http://www.momshomerun.com

84. Let your muscles repair themselves

Muscles begin to heal right after the cooling down period is over. In the “repairing” process, they become stronger, so rest is mandatory. Eat proteins after the run to help your muscles heal and make sure you have some proteins in store for the night as well.

from Jill, Chicago

85. Add weight training to your routine

Weight training boosts muscles development, thus it helps burn more fat. Running, and cardio in general, burn fat around the organs, while weight training helps burn the stuff the hangs over the belt.

Tony, Canada

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