Earnings Disclosure & Disclaimer

Earnings Disclosure

RunReviews.com is an opinion-based website.

We currently have affiliate relationships, where we receive commensurate payments from some manufacturers, either directly or through third parties like Amazon. Some of the brands include Icon Fitness (NordicTrack, ProForm), Sole Fitness, Bowflex, Life Fitness, Nautilus, Schwinn, Horizon and Precor.

With all the brands we review, including those with which we have an affiliate relationship, we are objective in our ratings. We endorse and recommend only the brands we like and we believe are worth the investment. We let users choose the best place to make their purchase, and we offer them our honest opinions when we are requested for advice, no matter if we have or not an affiliate relationship with the brands in question. This arrangement makes it possible for us to offer some of the most detailed information about treadmills found on the Internet. It also offsets the costs of maintaining this website.

We are not responsible for processing or fulfillment of orders, warranties, price changes, returns or any other matters relating to the products or services on offer at the advertisers sites. We give no guarantees, warranties or representations, implied or otherwise, for the content or accuracy of these advertisers sites. Before making any purchase, check the advertisers sites for all details, terms and conditions and inquiries.

Copyright 2022

All information contained on any page of Runreviews.com or any correspondence with the Run Reviews website is the property of Run Reviews unless stated otherwise. Content is protected by intellectual property rights which are owned by Run Reviews. You may not modify, rent, lease, loan, sell, or in any other manner distribute or create derivative works based on our content unless you have written permission from the property owner in a separate agreement.

Affiliate Disclaimer

The disclosure that follows is our attempt to fully comply with the FTC’s policy that demands we be transparent about any and all affiliate relations we may have on this website. In plain English you, the visitor or customer, should assume that any and all links on this site are affiliate links. If you click on these links and go visit the resulting site, a cookie will be set in your web browser that will cause us to receive a commission “IF” you purchase a product on the other end. This is a legitimate way to monetize and pay for the operation of web sites and we gladly reveal our affiliate relationships to you.

Further, we do not receive physical products or cash directly in exchange for any reviews or posts you find on this site. No one has paid us to do reviews or posts. We have to tell you that it is possible that our reviews and posts are influenced by our affiliate relationships and may create a conflict of interest. We do not believe a conflict of interest exists, but you, the visitor or customer, must decide by considering the affiliate relationships and link techniques we have described. Obviously we would like you to buy the service or products we write about and we are influenced by that fact. We avoid conflict by only reviewing or posting about products and services we trust. We strive to always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on topics or products we write about and promote.

Other vendors may also pay to place advertising on our sites in the form of banners, widgets, and hyperlinks. These are paid advertisements and while we do our best to only allow quality products and services to be advertised on our site, we are not responsible for claims or testimonials made on paid advertising links.

The information found on www.runreviews.com is for general purposes only. Information found through this Website should NOT be construed as definitive or binding medical advice and is NOT intended to diagnose, prescribe, nor endorse any brand of products or services. See your doctor for specific information and/or treatment. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle.

Any questions should be forwarded to us here.