Where can I get a replacement treadmill safety key?

treadmill safety keyOne of the questions we get very often here at Run Reviews is: Where can I get a replacement safety key? It seems that they are quite easy to misplace or break, and people start panicking as of course you can’t use your treadmill without it firmly in place.

What is a treadmill safety key? It’s a simple device attached magnetically to the machine that acts as a circuit breaker to prevent you from getting injured. If for whatever reason you need to stop the machine mid workout, simply pull the treadmill safety key and the machine will come to a halt. To start it up again, just attach the key, push start and you are back up and running again…literally.

This is a great little device and can really help you avoid serious problems…but unfortunately, it’s very easy to lose them, especially if you have pets or young children around who like to touch things they are not supposed to. I remember when my oldest son was about 3 years old, he liked to play hide and seek with everything. One of those items was my treadmill safety key. So every time I wanted to work out, I would go downstairs and start my 20 minute scavenger hunt for the key. Needless to say, it was not fun….

So where can you get a replacement safety key?

Fortunately, treadmill keys are pretty universal for the most part, meaning you can likely find one that will work on many different machines. You don’t necessarily have to get the exact one that came with your treadmill.

For example, the Treadmill Parts Zone 208603 Safety Key will work on over 800 different treadmills from ICON Fitness, the largest manufacturer in the world. So if you need a NordicTrack or ProForm safety key, this one will probably work for you. It might also work on one of their lesser brands such as Weslo, Weider, Epic, HealthRider and Gold’s Gym.

There are other universal safety keys for treadmill models such as Horizon, Sole, TRUE, Bowflex, among others. So if you need a replacement key, here is what you need to do.

1. First, check on Amazon to see if you can find one that will work on your treadmill. You’ll find NordicTrack safety keys, Proform, Sole, TRUE, Bowflex, other ICON brands, Sears and more. Prices are usually in the $6-$20 range, so they are relatively inexpensive. And, if it does not work on your machine, you can always return it.

2. If you don’t see one that will work at Amazon, go to the manufacturer site. Many of the top brands have a Parts/Accessories section where you can order mats, lube, maintenance kits and sometimes replacement treadmill safety keys. If not, send them an email or chat live and ask them how you can get a replacement for your lost or damaged key.

3. As a last ditch effort, you can make your own treadmill safety key, although we don’t recommend this unless you are very technically savvy. Only resort to this method after steps 1 and 2 above. But be very careful if you do so, and follow the instructions very careful.

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