Interview with a happy owner of a NordicTrack treadmill

It was such a happy day for me when Janae Jacobs agreed to a short interview about her NordicTrack C 900 treadmill experience. Not only I’m a big fan of her personal blog, but I find her advice about food and running inspirational. Janae has owned this NordicTrack model for 15 months and she would recommend it to other runners without hesitation. Read the full interview below.

Don’t forget! If you have a treadmill story to share, be it good or bad, feel free to submit it to us by email.

NordicTrack Janae Jacobs review

What NordicTrack Model do you have and for how long have you run on it?

I have the NordicTrack C900 and have been running on it for about 15 months.

Where did you buy it?

We bought it from

Did you have any problems with shipping and assembling the treadmill?

We had zero problems with any of the shipping and my husband was able to assemble the treadmill in about 2.5 hours.

How intensively do you use the treadmill?

I use the treadmill at least 3 times a week. I have completed some 15 milers on the treadmill, lots of hill work and also some speed work. Currently it isn’t used as intensely because I am pregnant but I am still putting a lot of miles on it.

What features do you like about it?

I love so many features about the C900. First, I love the speakers so that I am able to plug in my computer or iPod to run to.

We have really enjoyed using the different courses that have been programmed into the treadmill along with the Jillian Michaels workouts that are included.

I love how big and easy the buttons are to use on the treadmill. It also goes up to 12 mph which is awesome because a lot of treadmills only go up to 10, the incline is also really great and goes up to a 15.

It is quiet and very smooth which is definitely necessary for a good treadmill.

NordicTrack C 900

What don’t you like about it?

There is a fan on the treadmill but to be honest it doesn’t really do much to cool you off. That is the only thing that I can think of that I don’t like about it.

Have you experienced any problems with it so far?


Would you recommend it to other runners?

Yes, absolutely and I have already recommended it to a lot of runners! I have spent a lot of time with it and look forward to using it. It is going to really help me to continue my running as a new mom because I will be running on it whenever she is napping:)

Note this is an older model. You can read about the newer C990 here.

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